Nutrition Coaching

Patient centered.

Research informed.


I work with you to identify your needs, translate the scientific evidence to support your unique needs, and help you take the steps to a healthy diet and lifestyle, whatever that means for you.

My recommendations are informed by research, practicality, and the perspective that you have the ability to live the life that you want to, you just need the right tools at the right time. Whereas you know yourself better than anyone; I am an expert in fitting sceince-based solutions to real-world prolems. I help you be your best by doing what I do best.

Areas of Expertise

  • Ketogenic diet & lifestyle

  • Whole food, mostly plant, healthy fat diets

  • Complementary cancer care

  • Healthy weight and metabolic management

  • Irritable bowel syndrome and food sensitivities

  • Safe, effective intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding

  • Supplements and evidence-based complementary medicine

There are two ways you can work with me:


1 Hour Nutrition Power Hour


To make transformational change happen in a single hour, this is the speed round version of my nutrition counseling and health coaching services. In one hour of structured consultation, we dive straight into addressing your most pressing needs and I leave leaving you with an itemized summary of actionable strategies that will make the biggest impact. If you want an expert Q + A session, to troubleshoot an issue, or get a concentrated dose of nutriton expertise - without a long-term contract - this package is for you.


Recurring Nutrition Coaching


When you work with me long-term, you can expect the following:

  • 15 minute call to get to know one another (no fee)

  • 1.5 hour assessment

  • 1 hr coaching/counseling session 1 week later

  • Weekly/biweekly sessions thereafter

I meet with you until you have the tools and knowledge to put the results you want within reach. It is always my goal to provide you the services you need as efficiently as possible, so my sessions are front-loaded with information and I work to NOT keep you tied down to seeing me. If you want the benefits of a long-term nutrition coaching based on cutting edge research, this is the package for you.


To get a head start, please first contact me to set up an initial appointment and then fill out these forms.


My Rate


My health coaching and nutritional counseling rate is $120/hour.



License Coverage


I am licensed to provide nutritional counseling services ONLY in the state of Colorado. Consider my health coaching services if you live in a state other than Colorado.